
Last Week in Healthcare Reform: February 28th, 2022

Congressional lawmakers find common cause in their support of Medicare Advantage; stakeholders remind consumers of the important protections now in place against surprise medical billing – even as those protections are challenged in the courts; meanwhile, the cost of an ambulance ride continues to go up; and, a new study highlights provider markups for specialty drugs.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: February 21st, 2022

Stakeholders highlight how PBMs improve health outcomes and the patient experience; advocates come together to support bipartisan legislation aimed at closing gaps in mental healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries; hospital consolidation draws increased ire; and, lawmakers propose to extend waivers promoting telehealth access.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: February 14th, 2022

Pharmaceutical manufacturers raise prices on hundreds of drugs; meanwhile, hospital drugs are projected to see price increases of their own; a new study shows the impact of provider market concentration on consumers’ healthcare costs; and, Medicaid continues to play a critical role in the health of America’s children.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: February 7th, 2022

stakeholders respond to legal challenges to new surprise medical billing consumer protections; meanwhile, emergency room costs continue to overwhelm patients; and, a new report details how rising drug prices are impacting millions of Medicare enrollees.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: January 31st, 2022

A new analysis links provider concentration with higher insurance costs; regulators target hospital compliance with new consumer surprise medical billing protections; stakeholders urge lawmakers to restore flexibility for telehealth coverage; and, a pair of new reports underscores the impact of rising drug prices.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: January 24th, 2022

A new study draws attention to the growing issue of unnecessary care; meanwhile, hospital mergers continue to reshape the care delivery landscape; Medicare Advantage enrollment is projected to grow; and, drugmakers exploit patent loopholes to maximize revenue.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: January 18th, 2022

With annual changes to the popular Medicare Advantage (MA) program currently being proposed, stakeholders are reminding lawmakers of the important role that MA plays in the lives of millions of beneficiaries. In fact, the MA program now serves more than 27 million seniors and individuals with disabilities across the country, connecting Americans with a coordinated model of care that’s been shown to improve health outcomes and help address critical health-related social needs.

Last Week in Healthcare Reform: January 10th, 2022

New, consumer-friendly protections aimed at addressing surprise medical bills go into effect; Big Pharma rings in the New Year by raising prices on hundreds of drugs; meanwhile, increased focus is being paid to what hospitals charge for the drugs they distribute; and, facility fees for telehealth visits come under increased scrutiny.